Curriculum Vitae

René van Binsbergen

Studio address:
Stationsdwarsstraat 14
6131 BA  Sittard

+31 (0) 636183423

H.K.L.S. Lerarenopleiding Sittard. Drawing, Crafts and Art History (NLO education). Cum Laude
Opleiding Nieuwe Media Maastricht (ONM). Post Academic Education (funded by the European Social Fund).
Stoas Vilentum Wageningen (Aeres Hogeschool), Master course Leren en Innoveren. Thesis Research: ‘Levels of reflective thinking from propaedeutic students at Design Academy Eindhoven’.

1989/92: Independent artistic practice (painting, drawing, graphics) and exhibition coordination Art Centre 'De Melkfabriek' Sittard.
1992: Internship Communication & Development of new media. Agricultural University of Wageningen (WUR). 
1992/93: WUR. Freelance, Development media & software for instructional programs for Long Distance Education.
1993/94: Entrepeneur, Freelance / Multimedia designer for:
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden; Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam; Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch (amongst others).

1998/2006: Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
Department Architectural Design. Tutor Interactieve media, CAD and Portfolio

1995/2006: Opera Ontwerpers Amsterdam & Breda, NL
Project leader Interactive Media Design for Exhibitions, for example: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden; Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Världskultur Museet, Göteborg.

2006/present: Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE), NL
2006/2008: Practicum Tutor Digital development and Interactive Media
2008/10: Co-ordinator Digital Tools and Education.
2008/2015: Tutor Compass department ‘Market’: ‘Portfolio development based on values-research’ and 'Leading concepting and Brand development'
2010/12: Team leader Information Office and external affairs
2012/2017: Coach in Propeadeutic Year Bachelor course.
2012/2015:  Projectleader Digital Communication and website development.
2015/2019: Co-ordination Topmodule Sint Lucas, connection MBO and HBO education.
2017/present:  Research (also see master studies) and development of study guidance at DAE. Coach/Study Guide for first and second year students.
2018/present:  Teacher training / Intervisory practice. Development and implementation didactic training and coaching of tutors in higher art education.